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Black. White. Grey (Thanks for the inspiration, in more ways than one)

There are two types of people in the world. Those that look at black and white as separate, concrete, simple colors. And then others that see them as grey. The latter see things from the perspective of what they could be. They are never satisfied with things at their face value. They interpret and reinterpret to such an extent that the original words don't even matter. To them, black and white are irrelevant. What matters is where black merges into white.

Lately, I have been intrigued by the contrast between those that see things as they are and those that like to complicate and analyze even the most basic facts. In the words of someone I know, the first category of people is simple and direct. They don't perceive a grey. They don't feel the need to dwell deeper. They understand logic and require straight talk. 

The second category is the diametric opposite. They will find a mystery where there is none, question for so long that the answer stops mattering, they will always be critical and impossible to satiate. This variety only sees the grey. They prod so deep into everything that they forget to see things as they are. 

So what happens when simple meets complex, when two people that are so different collide? 

Perhaps it depends upon who let's go first. Perhaps they don't see the need for agreement. 

As a side, i am pretty sure i am the grey type. And the fact that I desperately want to delete this post and redo it with another layer of orange only proves that complication is definitely part of who I am!


  1. And the fact that this post is labelled "writers bloc" is all the more #complicated...

  2. :-)....good one!!...........and all this time i thought you were the precise logical one!!

  3. 1 of 2: Perhaps you meant "Writers Black", as opposed to Writer's Block ;-) ASnonymous

  4. 2 of 2: While humans are inherently wired to be "grey" (constantly re-writing the rules, constantly changing the logic, with multiple layers and veneers...), it is VERY impressive how social conditioning in different societies pegs us at various points on the spectrum. Take Germany for instance: VERY uncomfortable with the grey and fuzzy. With very few exceptions, traits like consistency of logic, dependability of statements, black-and-white interpretation are rewarded. One of the consequences: a very "process driven" culture. Even the language has evolved in a way that metaphors are few and far between, multiple meanings of the same word are infrequent (make no mistakes... German literature is still very rich). Indian subcultures are almost the other extreme end of the spectrum. The big question is HOW did it turn out to be that way. That's another very long conversation - spanning evolutionary biology and anthropology. - ASnonymous

  5. PS: As for me... I am GREY all the way. Rest assured, my years in Germany did not "cure" me ;-) ASnonymous

  6. I think the human character comes in more colours than three. While a chameleon can change its physical colour, human beings are capable of changing their colour to suit different situations;face different people! Some of us more logical, some more practical, some more engaging and some purposeful and some lost to the world.

  7. Dear CC, IMHO the blogger views "grey" as not a color, but a RANGE of colors...metaphorical grey, that is.

  8. I never knew germany was black and white! But now that you say it, it makes perfect sense.

  9. Cc whilst I agree with the fact that we have a spectrum rather than a dominant shade, all I am implying here are tendencies. In that sense, AS is right, the three colors are metaphorical!

  10. Ps. What side do you belong to cc?

    Also riddhi :)

  11. My perspective while reading this piece was more on the " kinds" of people rather than the colours -metaphorical or real.
    I am b/w with the Germans ( work a lot with them too) because thats the only way they will accept me..b/w at work because its more professional..b/w with most people but VERY VERY grey in my most intimate relationships CC


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