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Showing posts with the label love game

The Cycle

Snap it breaks everything thats hidden everything thats safe suddenly screaming  talking out loud.  Poof  it leaves everything that mattered everything that stayed suddenly vanishing struggles in vane.  Flash  it regenerates everything that rotted everything that decayed suddenly  appearing  brightest in shade. 

Mind Game

Skip the introduction Move quickly to the next Ignore the contradiction Capture, don't suggest.  Hold onto my attention  React to every threat Mimic my imagination Offer, don't expect.  Recognize the transition Rush as you interpret Track each movement Watch, don't correct.  Sense the nearing end Lay down the last bet  Close with precision  Leave and forget. 

Love Poem?

Lately a lot of people have asked me why I only post poetry on my blog. Each time I simply list out the advantages of ambiguity and abstraction. People always buy my argument.  But is that really it? Is abstraction really that important to me? Do I really need to hide behind vagueness? Also, isn't poetry specific enough to make me just as vulnerable? Perhaps it is. Then what is it that keeps me from posting my daily rants on this blog? Honestly, there is no real reason and laziness would qualify just as much as fear.  So today I am going to make an exception. I am going to write freely, without confining my thoughts to the structure of rhythm and meter. Today I am going to write just because writing makes me happy and releases the captive emotions that I so cleverly hide.  ______________________________________________________________ Love Poem As I sat there watching her rummage through her cupboard, find her things, throw them in a bag and walk out with my hand ...


We are always in and out, one day here - tomorrow there. I am always left wanting; sometimes a little, most times a lot. We are always playing those games, pretending we care; being people we're not. You are always giving me hope - loving me hard, hating me soft. We are always in transition, changing our faces, trading our cards - I am always just the same girl, with mellow eyes, and a broken heart.