In my mothers womb I heard a voice talk Unlike other infants And to my mothers wrath, It was my father sharing Many of his thoughts. One day about a prince The other day about some frogs But the best was only one The one told everyday About dolls and frocks. As I grew from womb to school He taught me how to dance How to spell my name How to walk Everything…. [Memory fades away] Then one night as I slept I heard him softly walk away I pretended to be asleep And he preferred it that way I guess he was scared Scared, I would blame. I never stopped him And he never stayed We slowly grew apart And things began to change I learned to live without him To dance my own way I even learned to write Though our style's grew astray Then one day 15 years from the last in womb I sent him a poem I wanted to know what he thought If he thought I could rhyme A year passed And no reply I gave up But continued to write. 4th of June: Today I opened ...